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John O'Loughlin Kennedy

Mission and Responsibility in
The Catholic Church
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About The book

The dogmas of Vatican I almost achieved the bureaucratic and papal ambitions. The conditions attached to papal infallibility, however, limited its use to one occasion in 150 years but the title itself facilitated fake claims. Pseudo-infallibilities have a high maintenance cost. They now take priority over the commandment to love and over Christ’s mandates “Do This” and “Make Disciples”. They limit management options, causing ever-widening sacramental famine. Their defence has involved coercion, deception, and shoddy scholarship with consequent diminished credibility for church leaders.


The second dogma, universal jurisdiction, turned the self-perpetuating bureaucracy that normally controls the popes into the effective government of the bishops and thus, of the Church. “The Curia is the Pope” are the words of Pope John Paul II, no less.

The recent Synod of Bishops, controlled by the curia, was prevented from adapting ministry to the needs of the indigenous cultures by a plethora of pseudo-infallible regulations and several untouchable professional prerogatives.

This book tells it like it is, providing support to the people who are seeking to reform the Church, showing that their values may be more authentic than the establishment. It calls for an overwhelming option for the truth. It argues for the separation of powers, for the break-up of the Curia and a return to the decentralised system where bishops are selected locally and allowed to lead. It details how the allegedly irreformable dogmas of 1870 can be legally unwound and suggests 29 specific areas where change could make Church management more true to its founder and its mission.

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About The author

Dr John O’Loughlin Kennedy is a retired economist and serial social entrepreneur. He was educated at University College, Dublin and did graduate studies as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles. In 1968, he and his wife, Kay, founded the international relief and development organization CONCERN and guided its development for the first ten years. He is still involved with CONCERN WORLDWIDE which now employs about 3,500 indigenous personnel on development projects in 24 of the world's poorest countries.


Also Founded:
Mount Salus Press, The Irish Refugee Council,
Dublin Online Typographic Services Ltd (DOTS), Ireland’s first Postscript imaging bureau.

Mount Salus Press Ltd., General Manager
Hallmark Cards (Ireland) Ltd., Manager
An Taisce, the National Trust for Ireland, CEO
Economist Intelligence Unit of Ireland Ltd (EIU), General Manager
In private practice as: Consulting Economist and Market Researcher

Published articles on Religious subjects in:
The Furrow, Doctrine and Life, The Irish Times,
La Croix International, The Messenger,
and on the website of the Association of Catholic Priests.

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My Books

The Catholic Church has been characterized by catastrophically bad management for as long as it has existed including today...This book is an example of what the tide is bringing in.

Mary McAleese,

Former President of Ireland

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Book: €25 + P&P:
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Ireland/Northern Ireland - €10
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International - €23


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Also available on - Kindle and Paperback
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For any media inquiries, contact Paul O'Louglin Kennedy:

+353 86 2438556

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